playing fields
- n.运动场;操场
- playing field的复数

playing fields
N-COUNT 操场;运动场
A playing field is a large area of grass where people play sports....the playing fields of the girls' Grammar School.
PHRASE 公平竞争的环境;机会均等的环境
You talk about a level playing field to mean a situation that is fair, because no competitor or opponent in it has an advantage over another.We ask for a level playing field when we compete with foreign companies.
There was a swimming-pool , cricket pitches , playing fields
I told them to get off the University playing fields .
Our playing fields extend as far as those trees .
A football had come over the fence from the playing fields .
This is a country which for years has been losing playing fields to developers .
They generally require outdoor playing fields and are traditionally played outside .
The university has extensive playing fields .
The little boys trooped after him across the playing fields .
London-based video games club The Playing Fields is full of aspiring professional players .
Look at the brilliant colors and intricate patterns of tiny flowers that cover playing fields
Not only female students shun sports . Some young men are reluctant to go to the playing fields .
ballrooms as big as playing fields .
The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of eton .
It was Wellington who said battles are won on the playing fields of Eton .
In England , it was once said that Waterloo and the empire were built on the playing fields of Eton .
There 's also the fact that schools that can afford sports programs tend to be in cities and lack the space for playing fields and other facilities .
The showdown between Russia and Olympics officials was rich with intrigue beyond the playing fields in Rio de Janeiro .
Of course , men were the first cheerleaders , in fact for the first half of the nineteen hundreds , yell leaders were on playing fields everywhere .
In rikuzentakata , as in many places , very little rebuilding has begun , other than rows of temporary houses that have commandeered school playing fields .
Playing fields at schools and companies will be open to people of the community to use , either free or at low cost , and two new national training bases will be built , the plan said .
Their duties include such things as booking playing fields with local councils and organising the schedule of games or events for the club , so they need good organisational skills .
The building will save some 200 hectares compared to typical sprawl development in China and will contain offices , schools , playing fields , stores and restaurants , reducing dependency on the automobile .
These unlevel playing fields will chase capital out of the highly regulated formal banking sector and away from countries with strong rules and into new , less regulated or unregulated shadow banking systems .
Across the full spectrum of international institutions the G8 and G20 , the IMF , OECD , ILO , WTO , and others we are working to level playing fields and encourage robust and fair economic activity .
One famous old Etonian was the Duke of Wellington . I believe I will quote him correctly when he said : The Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton .
Improper calibration also fails to level both the institutional and geographical playing fields . Different kinds of institutions are regulated differently ( and some not at all ) while different countries are allowed to implement as much , or as little , of Basel as they like .
From the boat you can see palm trees , children playing in fields and local people rowing small boats .
A boy was playing in the fields when he was stung by a nettle .
A boy playing in the fields got stung by a nettle , He ran home to his mother , telling her that he had but touched that nasty weed , and it had stung him .
Developping modern geoscience have been thinking of Earth 's interior fluids as main study object , and playing it in all fields of geoscience .